Oct. 12, 2017 WMS Medigram
In partnership with the Wisconsin Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), local law enforcement agencies will be holding Prescription Drug Take Back Day on Saturday, Oct. 28. Police and sheriffs’ departments will host events throughout Wisconsin as part of the Take Back Day.
In partnership with the Wisconsin Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), local law enforcement agencies will be holding Prescription Drug Take Back Day on Saturday, Oct. 28. Police and sheriffs’ departments will host events throughout Wisconsin as part of the Take Back Day.
The goal of Prescription Drug Take Back Day is to provide a safe, convenient and responsible means of disposal of unused or expired prescription drugs, while also educating the community about the potential abuse and consequences of improper storage and disposal of these medications.
Drug take back days are held each spring and fall across the country, and according to Attorney General Brad Schimel, the April 2017 Drug Take Back events in Wisconsin reached a record-breaking collection of 66,830 pounds of unused medications. Wisconsin had more law enforcement agencies participate in the biannual event than any other state in the country with 267 police and sheriffs’ departments from 69 counties hosting 150 events.
In addition to the semiannual Take Back Day event, there are 328 permanent drug disposal drop boxes throughout Wisconsin, providing citizens a convenient, environmentally friendly and anonymous way to dispose of unused medications all year. Wisconsin has more drug disposal boxes than 46 other states, behind only California, Texas and Pennsylvania.
For more information, including a list of accepted medications, visit the DOJ’s website. Additional information also is available on the “Dose of Reality” website, which features an interactive map people can use to find a drug take-back location near them.