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New Society Resources Address ePDMP FAQs

April 18, 2017 2:41 PM | Deleted user

Effective April 1, 2017, Wisconsin Act 266 requires all Wisconsin-licensed physicians and other prescribers to review a patient’s records from Wisconsin’s Enhanced Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (ePDMP) before issuing a prescription order for a monitored prescription drug.

To help members and their health care teams assess options for compliance with this new requirement, the Wisconsin Medical Society has prepared Wisconsin ePDMP: Frequently Asked Questions. Click here to download the PDF.

Part of the Wisconsin legislature’s Heroin, Opioid Prevention and Education (HOPE) Agenda, the requirement pertains to each prescription order for a controlled substance unless one of the following exceptions applies:

1.       The patient is receiving hospice care.

2.       The prescription is for a three-day or less supply with no refills.

3.       The drug is lawfully administered to the patient.

4.       Due to an emergency, it is not possible to review the ePDMP before issuing the prescription.

5.       The practitioner is unable to review the ePDMP data because either the ePDMP or the means to access it are not operational.

Monitored prescription drugs include most Schedule II, III, IV or V controlled substances (as well as any other substance identified by the Controlled Substances Board as having a substantial potential for abuse).

Prescribers subject to this requirement must register with the ePDMP to access the system. Click here to register if you have not done so already.

Wisconsin Society of Plastic Surgeons
563 Carter Court, Suite B, Kimberly, WI 54136
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