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Fund Board Votes to Decrease Fees by 30%

December 15, 2016 3:34 PM | Deleted user

December 15, WMS Medigram

The Injured Patients and Families Compensation Fund (Fund) Board approved a 30 percent decrease in Fund fees for the 2017-2018 fiscal year on Wednesday. This is the fifth time in as many years that the Board has approved a decrease in Fund fees, and the second consecutive year fees decreased by 30 percent.

The Board’s decision to decrease fees was based on the recommendation of its actuarial committee, which noted—among other considerations—a better-than-expected return on investments and the release of previously held claims. Fund fees decreased by 30 percent in 2016-2017, 34 percent in 2015-2016, 10 percent for 2014-2015 and 5 percent for 2013-2014. Fee notices reflecting the new decrease will be mailed to physicians and other Fund participants in mid-2017.

The Fund, which was created by statute in 1975, is a trust that is set up to pay medical negligence claims that exceed physicians’ primary layer of medical liability insurance. In 2011, the state returned $200 million, plus lost earnings and interest to the Fund, following the Wisconsin Medical Society’s successful lawsuit challenging the state’s raid on the Fund in 2007.

In other business by the Board, the fees for physicians and surgeons insured through the Wisconsin Health Care Liability Insurance Plan (WHCLIP) will not change in 2017-2018, and there was no change in fees for hospital professional liability and hospital liability coverage.

WHCLIP was created by statute in 1975 as an insurer of last resort to provide the primary level of medical liability insurance to Wisconsin health care providers. WHCLIP is managed by an outside manager with oversight by the Office of the Commissioner of Insurance.

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